Folder Structure

Each workflow within MIAAIM produces output in a directory that reflects the workflow name. For more complete background on workflows and how to structure parameter files for each, check out the Workflows section. Here is the current directory structure and optional outputs for each:

imageID                         # image name
├── input                          # raw input
│   ├── fixed                           # fixed image folder
│   │   └── fixed.ext                       # fixed image with extension (ext)
│   ├── moving                          # moving image folder
│   │   └── moving.ext                      # moving image with extension (ext)
│   ├── fixed-pars.yaml                 # fixed image processing parameters
│   ├── moving-pars.yaml                # moving image processing parameters
│   └── registration-pars.txt           # registration parameters
├── hdiprep                        # hdiprep workflow
│   ├── fixed_processed.nii             # processed fixed image
│   └── moving_processed.nii            # processed moving image
├── hdireg                         # hdireg workflow
│   ├── elastix                         # registration
│   │   ├── Iteration.txt                   # optimization log
│   │   ├── TransformationParameters.txt    # spatial transformation parameters
│   │   └── result.nii                      # single-channel export example
│   └── transformix                     # FINAL RESULTS FOLDER
│       ├── moving_result.ext               # exported results
│       └── fixed.ext                       # fixed image (optional)
└── docs                           # provenance module
    ├── miaaim-pars.yaml                # workflow parameters
    ├── hdiprep-fixed.log               # hdiprep fixed image log
    ├──                # hdiprep fixed image command
    ├── hdiprep-moving.log              # hdiprep moving image log
    ├──               # hdiprep moving image command
    ├── hdireg-elastix.log              # hdireg elastix log
    ├──               # hdireg elastix command
    ├── hdireg-transformix.log          # hdireg transformix log
    └──           # hdireg transformix command

MIAAIM is developed to integrate assembled images in the level 2 format. Your base folder, imageID should contain your assembled image sample name.


All you need to supply for MIAAIM are the contents of the input folder. MIAAIM will automatically create and populate all other folders in the above directory tree.


All input files should be included in the input folder. These include the raw input images, parameters for preprocessing, and elastix image registration parameters.

Because many imaging modalities store data for a single experiment in more than one file, all imaging modalities in MIAAIM are assumed to be contained within a folder that indicates the sample identity (although, images created with a single file can be read without the folder structure).

An example of a typical input folder structure with is shown below:


Here, the fixed image is in the TIFF format, and the moving image is a mass spectrometry imaging data set stored in the imzML format. The processing steps for the moving and fixed image to pass to HDIprep are stored in the YAML files, and the registration parameters to feed to HDIreg are stored in the registration-pars.txt file.


The hdiprep folder will contain results for image preparation. These will be image data sets, either compressed through the HDIprep compression workflow, or preprocessed using histological image processing options.

An example of a typical hdiprep folder structure with its output is shown below:



Processed data will contain original images’ file names with the suffix _processed.nii appended.


The hdireg folder will contain results for image registration. The HDIreg workflow can compose multiple image registration models, indicated by separate parameter files.

An example of a typical hdireg folder structure with its output is shown below:


Here, there are two folders: elastix, which stores the registration logs and transformation matrices for the registration, and transformix, which stores the final result of the registration procedure after the transformation matrix is applied to the full moving image.

The optimization log for the registration is stored in the IterationInfo.0.txt file. This was a single-resolution registration, so there is only a single file. Additional logs would be indicated increasing numbers at the end of the file name.

The transformation parameters are stored in the TransformationParameters.0.txt file, and these are the parameters that transform each channel in the moving image when the transformix flag is passed to the hdireg module (see the Parameter Reference)

An example of the registration results are stored in the result.0.nii file. This is the transformation matrix applied to the first channel of the moving_processed.nii image in the hdiprep folder.


Chaining together registration parameters will be stored as separate transformation parameter files, indicated by the order which they were applied. For example, and affine registration followed by nonlinear registration would produce two parameter files, TransformationParameters.0.txt and TransformationParameters.1.txt. Both of these should be supplied as parameters to transformix when producing final results.


The commands and output logs for each workflow in MIAAIM is automatically stored in the docs folder. Here you will find each of the commands run, and the final parameters for the complete nextflow application will be stored in the miaaim-pars.yml file.

An example of a typical docs folder structure with its output is shown below:
