Elastix Basics

MIAAIM’s core registration component utilizes the elastix image registration library. Elastix provides a multitude of similarity measures, transformation models, optimizers, and interolators for image alignment. For a complete list of these, see the elastix documentation, in particular the manual. Elastix’s model zoo also contains a number of examples from the community that can get you started and acclamated to the way that elastix implements user’s parameters.

Registration Parameter Files (Elastix)

Input to elastix requires a text document parameter file (or multiple files) that indicates the settings and algorithms to be used for image registration. Example parameter files that would typically be used for MIAAIM registration are stored in the templates folder within the MIAAIM GitHub repository.

Included in the templates folder are example parameter files for k-nearest neighbor alpha-mutual information (KNN alpha-MI) based registration and single-channel mutual information for histological stains.


The templates folder in MIAAIM is primarily based on settings that have been used in our laboratories. We find that changing parameters for the number of levels for multi-resolution hierarchical pyramids and optimization iterations make a difference in the outcome of registration. In the case of nonlinear registrations, the final spacing for the transformation grid parametrized by B-splines makes a big difference – smaller values capture small-scale structure but risk warping the image unrealistically. These parameters are changed as follows:

# Example parameters for elastix .txt file
// Total number of resolutions
(NumberOfResolutions 4)

// Number of optimization iterations
(MaximumNumberOfIterations 1000)

// Nonlinear registration final grid spacing
(FinalGridSpacingInVoxels 40)

Multi-channel Input

Multi-channel image registration in MIAAIM is carried out using KNN alpha-MI as a similarity measure. This measure extends to feature spaces (number of channels) of potentially mis-matched dimensionalities. For example, we have used this measure to align 3-, 4-, 5-channel compressed images with 3-channel H&E stains.

Using this measure in elastix is done by altering your registration type and metric in the elastix parameter text file as follows:

(Registration "MultiResolutionRegistrationWithFeatures")
(Metric "KNNGraphAlphaMutualInformation")

For multi-channel input, elastix requires that the user export individual channels of their image, and pass each of these as a command line argument. The HDIreg module in MIAAIM does this automatically. In addition, elastix requires that your interpolator and fixed/moving image pyramids match the number of channels in your image. For example, the following snippet indicates the parameters used to align a 4-channel moving image to a 3-channel fixed image:

// Image interpolator -- matches moving image
(Interpolator "BSplineInterpolator" "BSplineInterpolator" "BSplineInterpolator"

// Fixed image multi-resolution pyramid -- matches fixed image
(FixedImagePyramid "FixedSmoothingImagePyramid" "FixedSmoothingImagePyramid"

// Moving image multi-resolution pyramid -- matches moving image
(MovingImagePyramid "MovingSmoothingImagePyramid" "MovingSmoothingImagePyramid"
 "MovingSmoothingImagePyramid" "MovingSmoothingImagePyramid")


The current release of MIAAIM (0.0.1) doesn’t automatically fill in the appropriate input for multi-channel registration. This is the focus of a future release! For now, you will need to adjust the parameter file according to the number of channels in your images.

Single-channel Input

Single-channel registration in MIAAIM will be carried on grayscale images – if you attempt to use single-channel parameters on multi-channel images, only the first channel will be used for registration.

Help the Registration with Manual Landmarks


Elastix parameter files contain options to export intermediate files showing registration optimization and a single-channel image that shows results for the registration. These are indicated in the elastix parameter text file as follows:

// Options for writing optimization results
(WriteTransformParametersEachIteration "false")
(WriteTransformParametersEachResolution "false")
(WriteResultImageAfterEachResolution "false")

// Write result image for visualizing results
(WriteResultImage "true")

// Return the image pixels as double type
(ResultImagePixelType "double")

// Leave the resulting image format as .nii since HDIprep exports .nii files!
(ResultImageFormat "nii")

To visualize intermediate results for human-in-the-loop parameter tuning and registration adjustment, we recommend that you export an image using the WriteResultImage option. This image will be a single-channel of your moving image. You can overlay this image with your fixed image to get a sense of what the registration results look like. Alternatively, you can proceed to transform your entire image stack with transformix. This may take more time if you are registering large images.


HDIprep utilizes the NIfTI format for image preprocessing and compression. It is recommended to leave the resulting image format as nii for visualizing results to keep export formats consistent.

Elastix will export parameter files for each transformation model that is included in the registration process. These will be stored in files called TransformParameters.txt. Each of these files will be numbered according to the order that they were carried out. For example, a single registration model will export a file called TransformParameters.0.txt, and any additional registrations will be sequentially added.


Transform parameter files are the text files used during the transformix portion of the HDIreg module.

Applying Transformations (Transformix)

After elastix has calculated the transformation parameters needed to align images, MIAAIM applies the transformation to each channel of the moving image using elastix’s native transformix method. The HDIreg module performs the heavy lifting for this – all you need to do is indicate the resulting image type (file extension) and the transform parameters that will be used. If padding or image resizing was used for the HDIprep module, the HDIreg module can take this into account when transforming the original multi-channel image stack.


When running transformix in the HDIreg module, make sure the number of transform parameter files match the number of registration models that you used in elastix!