Quick Start

After you have installed Nextflow you can download the latest version of MIAAIM directly from GitHub by typing:

git clone https://github.com/JoshuaHess12/miaaim.git  # clone MIAAIM repository

If you have already cloned MIAAIM from GitHub, ensure that you have the latest version by entering the directory where you are storing MIAAIM and typing git pull

MIAAIM currently contains one prototype use case with pre-configured parameters for multi-modal image registration.


prototype-001 is a coupled MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry imaging (MSI) and H&E data set from a prostate tumor biopsy. In this example, the MSI dataset is considered the “moving” image, and the H&E data set is the “fixed” image. Run through this example workflow by following the following steps.


Executing all steps for prototype-001 will require you to have ~5GB of free space on your computer.

Download Data

1. To download the prototype folder and unzip its contents to your current working directory. You should be able to inspect the contents of the input folder to confirm that the download was successful.

nextflow run JoshuaHess12/miaaim/prototype.nf --proto prototype-001 --out .


If you are using a larger workstation consider checking out the Configuration to allocate more resources for your computations. With the preset files, you can add -profile medium_multi to the following steps to use more computing resources.

Image Preprocessing

2. The first step of the pipeline is processing each image so that they can be aligned later in the pipeline. To process the images for prototype-001, type the following command:

nextflow run miaaim --in prototype-001 --startAt hdiprep --stopAt hdiprep
--fixedImage "fixed" --movingImage "moving" --fixedPars "fixed.yaml"
--movingPars "moving.yaml"

Image Registration

3. After processing each of the images, type the following command to register the moving image to the fixed image:

nextflow run miaaim --in prototype-001 --fixedImage "fixed" --movingImage "moving"
--fixedPars "fixed.yaml" --movingPars "moving.yaml"
--elastix-pars "--p affine_short.txt nonlinear_short.txt"
--transformix-pars "--tps TransformParameters.0.txt TransformParameters.1.txt --pad 20 20 --target_size 2472 1572"
--transformix false

4. After registering the images, apply the transformation matrices to each channel in the moving image by executing the following command:

nextflow run miaaim --in prototype-001 --fixedImage "fixed" --movingImage "moving"
--fixedPars "fixed.yaml" --movingPars "moving.yaml"
--elastix-pars "--p affine_short.txt nonlinear_short.txt"
--transformix-pars "--tps TransformParameters.0.txt TransformParameters.1.txt --pad 20 20 --target_size 2472 1572"
--transformix true