# General utily functions for HDI data preparation
# Developer: Joshua M. Hess, BSc
# Developed at the Vaccine & Immunotherapy Center, Mass. General Hospital
# Import external modules
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import nibabel as nib
from pathlib import Path
from skimage.transform import resize
from ast import literal_eval
# Define function
[docs]def CreateHyperspectralImage(embedding, array_size, coordinates, scale=True):
"""Fill a hyperspectral image from n-dimensional embedding of high-dimensional
imaging data by rescaling each channel from 0-1 (optional). All coordinates
in the image not listed in coordinates object will be masked
and set to 0 (background).
embedding: Pandas DataFrame
Indicates embedding coordinates from UMAP or another method.
array_size: tuple
Indicates size of image.
coordinates: 1-indexed list of tuples
Indicates pixel coordinates of image.
scale: Bool (Default: True)
Rescale pixel intensities on the range of 0-1.
im: array
Reconstructed image.
# Create zeros array to fill with number channels equal to embedding dimension
im = np.zeros((array_size[0], array_size[1], embedding.shape[1]), dtype=np.float32)
# Run through the data coordinates and fill array
for i, (x, y, z) in enumerate(coordinates):
# Run through each slice of embedding (dimension)
for dim in range(embedding.shape[1]):
# Add data to this slice
im[y - 1, x - 1, dim] = embedding.values[i, dim]
# Create a mask to use for excluding pixels not used in dimension reduction
im_bool = np.zeros((array_size[0], array_size[1]), dtype=np.bool)
# Fill the mask array with True values at the coordinates used
for i, (x, y, z) in enumerate(coordinates):
# Add boolean mask
im_bool[y - 1, x - 1] = True
# Check to see if scaling the pixel values 0 to 1
if scale:
# Scale the data 0-1 for hyperspectral image construction
for dim in range(im.shape[2]):
# min-max scaler
im[:, :, dim] = (im[:, :, dim] - im[:, :, dim].min()) / (
im[:, :, dim].max() - im[:, :, dim].min()
# Mask the image with the boolean array to remove unused pixels
im[~im_bool] = 0
# Return the hyperspectral image
return im
# Define function
[docs]def CreateHyperspectralImageRectangular(embedding, array_size, coordinates, scale=True):
"""Fill a hyperspectral image from n-dimensional embedding of high-dimensional
imaging data by rescaling each channel from 0-1 (optional). All coordinates
in the image not listed in coordinates object will be masked
and set to 0 (background). This function assumes that the data you want
to reconstruct can be automatically reshaped into a rectangular array.
embedding: Pandas DataFrame
Indicates embedding coordinates from UMAP or another method.
array_size: tuple
Indicates size of image.
coordinates: 1-indexed list of tuples
Indicates pixel coordinates of image.
scale: Bool (Default: True)
Rescale pixel intensities on the range of 0-1.
im: array
Reconstructed image.
# get the embedding shape
number_channels = embedding.shape[1]
# Create zeros array to fill with number channels equal to embedding dimension
im = embedding.values.reshape((array_size[0], array_size[1], number_channels))
# Check to see if scaling the pixel values 0 to 1
if scale:
# Scale the data 0-1 for hyperspectral image construction
for dim in range(im.shape[2]):
# min-max scaler
im[:, :, dim] = (im[:, :, dim] - im[:, :, dim].min()) / (
im[:, :, dim].max() - im[:, :, dim].min()
# Return the hyperspectral image
return im
[docs]def ExportNifti(image, filename, padding=None, target_size=None):
"""Export processed images resulting from UMAP and
spatially mapping UMAP, or exporting processed histology images.
image: array
Array that represents image to export.
filename: string
Path, including filename, to export processed nifti image to.
padding: string of tuple of type integer (padx,pady; Default: None)
Indicates height and length padding to add to the image before exporting.
target_size: string of tuple of type integer (sizex,sizey; Default: None)
Resize image using bilinear interpolation before exporting.
# Create pathlib object from the filename
filename = Path(filename)
# convert the padding and target size to tuple if present
if padding is not None:
padding = literal_eval(padding)
if target_size is not None:
target_size = literal_eval(target_size)
# Print update
print("Exporting nifti image stack...")
# Check to see if padding
if padding is not None:
image = np.pad(
[(padding[0], padding[0]), (padding[1], padding[1]), (0, 0)],
# Check to see if resizing
if target_size is not None:
image = resize(image,target_size)
# Create nifti object -- transpose axes because of the transformation!
# Check size
if len(image.shape) > 2:
# Create nifti object -- transpose axes because of the transformation!
nifti_im = nib.Nifti1Image(image.transpose(1, 0, 2), affine=np.eye(4))
# Create nifti object -- transpose axes because of the transformation!
nifti_im = nib.Nifti1Image(image.T, affine=np.eye(4))
# Save the image
nib.save(nifti_im, str(filename))
# Print update
print("Finished exporting " + str(filename))
[docs]def Exp(x, a, b, c):
"""Exponential function to use for regression.
return a * np.exp(-b * x) + c